Debbie Gibson is iconic! Her performance at 54 Below last week was superb. Her set was a tribute to the 35th Anniversary of her album Out of the Blue. 35th year! Her energy is vibrant and enthusiastic. The set, which was a little over two hours, included long-term members of her team, such as Adam Tese on percussion and saxophone, Jameison Ledonio on guitar and the Bookend Baldies: Buddy Casimano and Eddie Bennett. She also invited special guest Orfeh to the stage to accompany her on some numbers. It was a magical evening.
The show was wonderfully organized, where Gibson performed numbers from the actual album as well as songs that didn't make the cut. She presented snippets from the original version of the cut songs and then sang the full versions. It was an absolute treat to hear these songs and her thought process. Gibson is a prolific and masterful songwriter with charm and charisma to add.
Out of The Blue 35th Anniversary was an unforgettable night. New and former fans had an opportunity to experience some of Debbie Gibson's wonder. Kudos to 54 Below and Becky Morris for a magnificent job with the live streaming.
Debbie Gibson is a must-see whenever she performs! Hopefully, she'll be back in NYC with the release of her new Christmas album due out this season.
"Out of The Blue 35th Anniversary"
Written and Performed by Debbie Gibson
August 21-22, 2022
54 Below
254 W 54th St. Cellar, NYC 10019
Yani Perez, M.F.A, is a poet, playwright, translator, and educator. Her plays have been presented in various theaters in the United States such as La Mama and Yale University as well as internationally in Bogotá, Colombia. She works at IATI Theater, one of the oldest Latinx theaters in NYC. She is currently working on translations of Latinx artists in hopes of introducing them to English-speaking audiences.